Environmental Field Survey

Noise Level

Industrial Noise Emissions
Ambient Noise Level

Water Quality

Surface Water     Ground Water
Marine Water     Waste Water

Air Quality

Ambient Air     Indoor Air
Stack Emisssion

Flora and Fauna

Terresterial Environment
Marine Environment

Soil and Sediment Quality

Land Environment
Marine Environment

Water Quality

Water quality monitoring is performed by PPI with the purpose of ensuring the Client’s compliance with local and international environment regulations and standards to meet their respective project goals. The water quality can be measured in-situ or collected and analysed by an accredited laboratory.

Slide 1

Surface Water

Slide 2

Marine Water

Slide 3

Ground Water

Slide 4

Waste Water

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Air Quality

Ambient Air

Ambient air refers to the air located in outdoor environments. To that end, ambient air quality is essential for human health. Ambient air monitoring is required to determine the extent of pollution in the air, providing information on air quality and finding potential sources of pollution. In reference to Brunei Darussalam Air Quality Targets for 2035 (WHO guidelines), PPI offers ambient air monitoring for various parameters including Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Particulate Matters (PM), Ozone (O3), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Carbon monoxide (CO), Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) etc.

Indoor Air

IAQ monitoring involves gathering data on the particles, gases, and chemicals present within and around buildings and structures through testing for pollutant indicators such as COx, Formaldehyde, Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Total Bacterial Count, Total Fungal Count, Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) or adverse odours. This is done to identify trends, spot problem areas and act accordingly to preserve the health, comfort and wellbeing of the respective occupants.

Stack Emission

Stack emissions are gases released into the air from industrial emission points such as gas flares, boiler stacks, chimneys etc. during the incineration process of various industries. If not properly regulated, these emissions can have a detrimental effect on local air quality which would in turn lead to negative impacts on the environment. Parameters that can be monitored include Dust Particulates, heavy metals (including mercury), NOx, N2O, CO, CO2, O2, and SO2. NMVOC (volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds), Acids gases (HCl, HF, NH3), and many others. 

Noise Level

Ambient Noise Level

Ambient noise level is the background sound pressure level at a given location.  PPI offers ambient sound level measurement in order to map sound conditions over a spatial regime. Ambient noise levels may also be measured to established the baseline condition of a site or to provide a reference point for analysing an intrusive sound. The ambient noise level is measured in order to achieve compliance with Brunei Darussalam. Pollution Control Guideline’s maximum permitted noise level recommended boundary noise levels. 

Industrial Noise Emissions

PPI offers noise emission measurement in accordance with globally recognised standards such as ISO1996 and ISO8297 or any standards according to the Client’s requirement. The objective of the monitoring is to monitor emissions and compliance in accordance with the minimum requirement set in Brunei Darussalam Pollution Control Guideline’s maximum permitted noise level recommended boundary noise levels or other related directives.

Soil and Sediment Quality

Marine Environment

Land Environment

Soil and sediment sampling can be undertaken to determine the physical (e.g. composition, grain size, etc.), chemical (e.g. metal contents, etc.), and biological characteristics (e.g. macrobenthic invertebrates, etc.) which may present the baseline conditions of the environment. Additionally, potential contaminations can be identified through monitoring of the soil whereby appropriate remediation strategies can be established accordingly.  

Flora and Fauna

Terrestrial Environment

We conduct ecological and biodiversity surveys by assessing the flora and fauna for species that are potentially affected by project implementation. The key threats and subsequent mitigation measures will be identified based on the potential direct and indirect impacts of the project. The fauna survey will be focused on birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians within the area of analysis. The flora survey will include a biotanical survey, land cover and vegetation cover analysis (forest, grassland, shrub etc)

Marine Environment

Marine environmental surveys can be conducted to assess the composition and abundance of marine communities in detail. Thus, enabling the assessment of potential impacts in the areas of analysis. 

The marine flora and fauna study will include benthic environment coral reefs, mangroves, fisheries, marine mammals and reptiles, seabirds, zooplankton, and phytoplankton.